Sclerotherapy w/ Varithena & Asclera for large veins

Injectable Foam Treatment with Varithena and Asclera Injection in Newark, New Jersey

Ideal for patients with large varicose or spider veins, sclerotherapy is an effective and minimally-invasive treatment modality that can relieve symptoms and improve appearances. At Newark Vein and Vascular Center, LLC , we offer injectable foam sclerotherapy with Varithena and Asclera Injection for incompetent veins, which is proven to help our patients feel healthy and comfortable and regain their confidence. All procedures at our Newark, New Jersey, location are conducted by trained medical professionals who will make you feel safe and respected throughout the entire process.

Patient With Large Varicose Veins

During sclerotherapy, a microfoam solution is injected directly into the affected veins, with a goal to reroute blood flow through healthier veins and enable the treated veins to be resorbed by the body. At Newark Vein and Vascular Center, LLC, the injectable microfoam solutions we use to treat larger spider and varicose veins during sclerotherapy procedures include:


Varithena is an FDA-approved prescription medication in the form of an injectable foam solution. It is typically recommended for incompetent great saphenous veins (GSV), accessory saphenous veins, and visible varicosities of the GSV system above and below the knee. Because it works by encouraging clotting, however, patients with pre-existing blood clotting disorders should avoid Varithena.

Asclera Injection

Asclera Injection is another prescription medication in foam form that is used in sclerotherapy. Approved by the FDA, it’s effective on large spider or varicose veins anywhere on the body but is not recommended for pregnant and nursing patients or those with an acute blood clotting disease. Though rare, a small percentage of patients may experience an allergic reaction.

Unlike other treatments for large spider and varicose veins, like vein stripping and laser treatment, sclerotherapy with Varithena or Asclera Injection is almost painless. It is fast, simple, and results in virtually no downtime.

Sclerotherapy with Varithena or Asclera Injection doesn’t require any special preparation other than avoiding shaving or using lotion on the day of your procedure. Some patients may also be advised to discontinue taking blood thinners, ibuprofen, or aspirin before the procedure. It’s also suggested to wear loose-fitting clothing for your comfort and to make injecting the solution easier for the doctor.

During your treatment session, the doctor will begin by using ultrasound imaging as a guide to inject the microfoam into the affected vein. The injection may be repeated depending on the number of veins being treated. As the microfoam travels through the affected vein, blood is forced to redirect its flow into healthy veins, while scar tissue and/or blood clots form in the treated vein. This process eventually seals off the varicose vein, causing the treated vein to collapse and become resorbed into your body.

The entire procedure takes about 20 minutes, and you will notice symptom relief and visible improvements almost immediately. Full results will develop over the next 14-21 days. There is no sedative or incision, so you can walk out the door as soon as it is complete. Before you depart, be sure to ask your caregivers about any after-procedure instructions. For instance, you may be required to take daily walks or wear compression stockings for a period of time after treatment.

Almost anyone with large incompetent veins can benefit from sclerotherapy with Varithena or Asclera Injection. Incompetent veins are common but appear most often in people who are older, overweight, inactive, or have a family history of venous diseases. They’re also seen in women who have been pregnant or are undergoing menopause. Incompetent veins are further classified as the following:

  • Varicose veins: These develop when blood vessels enlarge due to increased pressure within the veins under the skin’s surface. Because veins in the legs pump blood against gravity towards the heart, they are most often seen in the lower extremities.
  • Spider veins: Spider veins appear as clusters of fine veins – usually red, blue, or purple in color – that resemble tree branches or spider webs. They are usually found on the legs and face.

Learn More about Sclerotherapy for Large Veins

If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of large incompetent veins, sclerotherapy with Varithena or Asclera Injection may be a solution. Newark Vein and Vascular Center, LLC, can treat varicose veins in patients throughout Newark, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas with these highly effective treatment options. Contact us today to find out more about Varithena and Asclera Injection for incompetent veins and to schedule an appointment in our spacious, relaxing offices.