Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT)

Endovenous Laser Treatment in Newark, New Jersey

Endovenous laser treatment (EVLT) is a procedure designed to treat the underlying large veins that cause varicose veins, as well as eliminate unsightly varicose veins and symptoms. EVLT uses targeted laser energy to seal these veins shut, and it does not require hospitalization or general anesthesia. EVLT can also help avoid future complications, like sores, skin ulcers, and blood clots, which can sometimes be caused by varicose veins.

At Newark Vein and Vascular Center, LLC , you can improve the appearance of your skin, be free from bulging, twisted varicose veins, and get right back to enjoying your day. We provide fast and effective EVLT to our patients throughout Newark, New Jersey, and the surrounding areas.

Doctor Performing EVLT

EVLT is a procedure designed for patients who struggle with varicose veins. This common condition is caused when vein valves and walls begin to weaken and blood is allowed to pool and even flow backward. As a result, veins bulge and distort. Varicose veins can result in uncomfortable symptoms, such as:

  • Soreness while moving
  • Swelling and heaviness
  • Itching, burning skin
  • Restlessness
  • Fatigue

If you have varicose veins and are experiencing these symptoms, your healthcare provider may recommend EVLT to correct the problem, improve your appearance, and provide relief for your discomfort. By using laser energy, EVLT seals the affected veins shut, which forces blood to reroute and flow through healthy veins. The sealed veins will shrink over time and be resorbed into the body, yielding the great results you’re hoping for.

Preparation for EVLT is simple. Simply avoid all sources of caffeine (i.e. soda, tea, coffee, energy drinks, etc.) and drink plenty of fluids. Also be sure to wear loose-fitting clothing to allow room for bandages, and follow any additional instructions as indicated by your doctor.

On arrival, you will be given special goggles to protect your eyes from the laser’s light, and a technician will numb your leg and perform some preliminary checks. Dr. Gordon Lutchman will also use ultrasound to map out your veins. Once the area is numb, a thin laser fiber is inserted through a tiny entry point and into the affected vein. When the laser is activated, the light and heat will travel down the fiber and into your vein. The heat from the laser burns the veins and seals it closed.

The entire process takes only 30-60 minutes. Though there may be side effects, like minor soreness, swelling, and bruising, patients are highly encouraged to walk immediately after the procedure. You’ll be able to resume your ordinary activities as soon as you leave your appointment, but you should avoid strenuous exercise heavy lifting of up to 50 lbs. for a few weeks.

With no serious risks involved with the procedure, anyone with varicose veins can benefit from EVLT. This is especially true in the populations in which the condition is most common, including:

  • People who are older or overweight
  • People with inactive jobs or lifestyles
  • Women who are pregnant, nursing, or undergoing menopause
  • Anyone with a family history of varicose veins

Though it is most often used for symptom relief, EVLT is also a viable option for patients who simply want to improve their appearance.

Schedule Your EVLT Treatment Today

If you or a loved one currently has varicose veins, schedule EVLT treatment at Newark Vein and Vascular Center, LLC, the premier provider of vein treatments in Newark, New Jersey. With over 30 years of experience, we can promise high-quality care and personalized attention to meet your needs. To find out more about varicose veins treatments and EVLT, contact us today.