Treating Vein Conditions in Essex County, New Jersey

The vascular system is the network of veins and arteries located throughout the body. Arteries carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body, and veins carry blood back to the heart. A properly functioning vascular system is critical for good circulation and maintaining overall health, so vascular conditions should be treated promptly by an experienced physician with a preventive approach. Vascular diseases range from common conditions like spider veins to more serious issues like peripheral vascular disease, atherosclerosis, and collagen vascular disease.

Newark Vein and Vascular Center is a division of Nirvana Healthcare Management Services, a family-run, full-service healthcare provider in Essex County, New Jersey. Nirvana Healthcare Management Services takes a preventative approach to healthcare, with comprehensive primary care services at Metropolitan Medical Group, North Ward Medical Arts, Roseville Medical Society, Salerno Medical Associates, and with house visits for eligible patients through CHOP.

Symptoms of Vein Conditions

Leg veins have valves that open and close to assist the return of blood to your heart. If the valves become damaged or diseased, they may not close properly during the circulation process. Instead of flowing toward the heart, blood flows backward, known as venous reflux. Symptoms may include:

  • Bulging or bluish veins
  • Itching, tingling, or burning sensations in the legs
  • Pain in the legs
  • Leg cramps
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Skin discoloration and/or open wounds
  • Swelling or heaviness in the legs

Patients with these symptoms should consider having a vein evaluation.

Specialists preparing patient for treatment of vascular condition

Treating Vein Conditions

Many patients are familiar with the cosmetic aspects of varicose or spider veins. These vein conditions can indicate underlying issues. The conditions treated at Newark Vein and Vascular Center include:

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Ongoing venous reflux can lead to a condition called chronic venous insufficiency, or CVI. Over time, CVI can cause blood to collect in a patient’s legs, leading to pain, swelling, and even leg cramps or ulcers. CVI can be diagnosed with ultrasound imaging to check the flow of blood and identify blockages or damaged valves. A vascular doctor may also use a vein mapping ultrasound, which takes a series of images to create a “map” of the leg veins to aid in diagnosis.

CVI can occur when patients are overweight, pregnant, or have conditions such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). If left untreated, DVT can lead to more serious medical issues, such as a pulmonary embolism or cerebrovascular disease. Treatment options for CVI include endovenous laser treatment and sclerotherapy, in which a foam solution is injected into the veins to reroute blood flow. Simpler lifestyle changes like wearing compression stockings and keeping the legs elevated can also help.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a chronic condition that causes uncomfortable itching or prickling feelings in the legs. These symptoms are often worse at night and when the patient is lying down. Walking, stretching, or shaking the legs can provide relief. Restless leg syndrome may be an indication of venous insufficiency or another underlying condition, such as iron deficiency. Vein mapping and venous ultrasound can help diagnose RLS. Doctors aren’t sure what causes RLS, but some medications can reduce symptoms and help relax muscles. Patients with RLS may also be referred to a sleep health specialist, as RLS can negatively affect sleep quality.

Spider Veins

Spider veins, also known as thread veins, are smaller than varicose veins. They are visible on the legs but don’t bulge out the way that varicose veins do. They can be an indication of underlying venous disease, but they can also be caused by injuries or sun exposure. Spider veins can often be minimized with sclerotherapy or laser treatments.

Swollen Legs

Swelling caused by the retention of fluid in the legs, ankles, and feet is known as peripheral edema. Swollen legs aren’t always an indication of a problem with the veins – they can also be caused by certain medications, kidney and liver conditions, and even something as simple as sitting or standing for a long period. However, it can also be an indication of a more serious issue, such as blood clots. Peripheral edema can often be treated with lifestyle changes, such as reducing sodium intake, exercising regularly, and sleeping with the legs elevated.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins that usually show up on the legs. They are caused by weak or damaged valves. Varicose veins affect about 20% of adults and are more common in women than in men. Venous ultrasound can help diagnose varicose veins and check for blockages or blood clots. Sclerotherapy treatment can relieve the symptoms of varicose veins and may help reduce their appearance on the legs.

Find Expert Care in Essex County, NJ

With over 70 years of service to Newark and East Orange, NJ, and the surrounding area, Nirvana Healthcare Management Services strives to provide coordinated, comprehensive care for each patient. With a focus on preventative care, Nirvana Healthcare Management Services offers the latest treatments for conditions like varicose veins and venous insufficiency. For more information about vascular disorders or to schedule an appointment with a vein specialist, contact us today.