Greater Trochanteric Bursa Injections in Newark, New Jersey

Pain and aching most often noted when lying on your side or during activity in the region of the hip joint could be a condition called greater trochanteric bursitis. In Newark, New Jersey, Prospect Spine and Pain (PSP) offers relief to patients with this condition through greater trochanteric bursa injections. Administered by Dr. Maria Cabodevilla-Conn, board-certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician (PM&R), these injections can help relieve the inflammation causing pain where the hip joins the thigh bone.

What Is Greater Trochanteric Bursitis?

A bursa is a space filled with fluid that surrounds a major bone in the body, and the inflammation affecting bursae is called bursitis. When bursae become inflamed around the outer thigh bone’s joining point with the hip, it is known as greater trochanteric bursitis. Those suffering from this condition may experience symptoms such as:

  • Pain that worsens when moving or standing
  • Painful pressure and/or dull, constant aching
  • Pain when putting pressure for example when sleeping on the side you sleep on
  • Joint stiffness

For patients with minor symptoms, approaches such as resting and icing the area or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs may be sufficient in relieving the pain and inflammation. However, patients who have not been successful with conservative treatment options are encouraged to speak with Dr. Maria Cabodevilla-Conn about their candidacy for greater trochanteric bursa injections or other treatments.

About Greater Trochanteric Bursa Injections

This type of pain- and inflammation-relieving injection places steroid medication mixed with an anesthetic into the bursae of concern. Many patients notice significant pain relief soon after the injections and can last for weeks, months, or years.

What to Expect from an Injection

On the day of the injection, you should wear loose or comfortable pants. First the doctor will have you lie on your side to expose the side where the pain is present. If lying is difficult you will be positioned in your chair. Dr. Maria Cabodevilla-Conn will identify the source of the pain by palpating the most sensitive part of the bursa.  The area will then be marked and cleaned with alcohol swabs. Then Dr. Maria Cabodevilla-Conn will administer the injection and bandage the area, with the entire procedure lasting only 5 to 10 minutes. Ultrasound guidance can be used for cases when deemed appropriate by the physician.

Pain and discomfort should subside as soon as the injection’s combination of medications fully sets in. Relief from this injection typically lasts for months when done in conjunction with stretching or physical therapy. Repeat injections can be considered as needed and deemed appropriate.

Access Quality Care for Greater Trochanteric Bursitis

For those seeking an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment regimen for their hip pain, schedule a consultation in Newark, NJ, at Prospect Spine and Pain (PSP). Dr. Maria Cabodevilla-Conn is a highly regarded physiatry and pain management specialist, who works with patients to find conservative or minimally invasive solutions for their symptoms. For more information about greater trochanteric bursa injections or how we can help pinpoint the root cause of your pain, contact us today.