
In 2002, Dr. Alexander G. Salerno launched a house-call program that served seniors in the urban communities of northern New Jersey. Called SHOP, the Senior Healthcare Outreach Program, Dr. Salerno and his team provided fully integrated primary care to SHOP patients. The goal: to make quality,affordable healthcare accessible and convenient to the underserved communities around East Orange,Orange, and Newark. SHOP was the longest-running program of its type in the area, providing fully integrated primary care via house calls.

In 2015, the program was renamed CHOP, Community Health Outreach Program, and services were expanded to include patients with mental illness and substance use disorder, populations long underserved in our communities.

With the evolution from SHOP to CHOP, the segments of Nirvana’s patient population served now includes:

  • Seniors living independently in senior housing
  • Homebound individuals
  • Behavioral health patients residing in group homes
  • Behavioral health patients attending partial care day programs

CHOP continues the mission of SHOP providing accessible quality, affordable healthcare to patients where they live or spend their time, including private homes, senior residences, group homes, adult day care facilities, and behavioral health centers.

We are committed to helping our patients avoid unnecessary disease and illness, while saving them and the healthcare system from unnecessary and costly hospital visits.